Blue Friday Venice: An initiative to safeguard the Ocean

Blue Friday makes its return to Venice on November 24 and 25 as a significant event, organized by UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (Ioc), just in opposition to the hectic Black Friday. This initiative aims to counter the negative impacts of compulsive consumption and raise awareness among consumers and citizens about the importance of protecting the ocean.

In the context of the United Nations Decade of Marine Science for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), Blue Friday Venice celebrates the sea and promotes actions for environmental, social and economic sustainability.

This article will explore the details of the event and its impact, as well as complementary initiatives to support sustainability.

Blue Friday Venice: Nov. 24 and 25: UNESCO Oceanographic Commission Counter-Initiative

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In the context of the hectic Black Friday, Blue Friday makes its return to Venice on Nov. 24 and 25 as a major initiative organized by UNESCO's Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (Ioc). This counter-initiative aims to counter the negative impacts of compulsive consumption and raise awareness among consumers and citizens about the importance of protecting the ocean.

Blue Friday Venice: Celebrating the Sea and Promoting Sustainability

Created as part of the United Nations Decade of Marine Sciences for Sustainable Development (2021-2030), Blue Friday aims to celebrate the sea and encourage actions to turn this day into a time dedicated to promoting environmental, social and economic sustainability. The call to consumers is to reduce their spending, in contrast to the drive for consumerism.

Blue Friday Venice: The battle against waste

One staggering statistic highlights the need for Blue Friday: according to recent estimates, 80 percent of clothing and items purchased are thrown away after only one use or, even, never used. This figure underscores the need to adopt more responsible behaviors in the purchase and use of consumer goods.

Blue Friday Venice: Experts will address "Blue Washing"

The event, to be held Nov. 24 and 25 in Venice, will host talks by experts in the field who will address the concept of "blue washing," that is, taking superficial actions to benefit the marine environment without real impact.

It will seek to recognize genuine and meaningful initiatives for the health of the marine environment, human health related to climate change, and the growing phenomenon of ecological anxiety and solastalgia that is becoming increasingly common among young people.

Blue Friday Venice: Virtuous examples for a better Planet

During Blue Friday, virtuous examples will be presented of companies in the fashion, luxury, nutraceutical, sustainable tourism, and technology sectors that contribute in a positive way to protecting the planet.

These examples demonstrate that it is possible to combine economic success with care for the environment.

Green Week: Focus on sustainability

In addition, the fourth edition of Green Week, organized by Acqua dell'Elba and the Acqua dell'Elba Foundation, will be held from November 20 to 26.

This annual event aims to raise awareness of environmental, social and economic sustainability issues, highlighting the importance of adopting responsible behavior for the good of the planet.


Blue Friday in Venice and Green Week represent two crucial events to raise awareness and promote sustainable behaviors.

At a time when consumerism and waste are global challenges, these initiatives remind us of the importance of protecting our marine environment and promoting a more responsible lifestyle.

Recognizing the value of the ocean and sustainability is a critical step toward a better future for our planet and future generations.