Tipping in Venice: a guide to the local tipping etiquette

Tipping or not tipping: this is the question. While visiting Venice this question may occur to your mind more than once.

The answer to this question is not as easy as it may seem.

Of course, when visiting this beautiful city, it's important to understand the local customs and etiquette, and that includes tipping.

Generally, we can tell that tipping in Venice is not always mandatory, but it's always appreciated by those who provide you with a service.

Tipping in Venice: a guide to the local tipping customs

To make our guide to the Venetian tipping customs complete, we have decided to subdivide the article into the most common situations you can experience during your trip to the city.

Let's see when it could be necessary (or, at least, highly appreciated) to tip in Venice.

At the hotel (hotel concierge, room service, hotel porters)

When staying at a hotel in Venice, it's not necessary to tip room service, housekeeping or front desk staff.

However, if you received exceptional service or if the hotel staff went out of their way to make your stay more comfortable, it's always appreciated to leave a small tip.

A good rule of thumb is to leave €2-€5 per day for housekeeping and €5-€10 for the front desk staff if they assisted you with arranging transportation or providing recommendations for local attractions.

It's also worth noting that some hotels may include a service charge in the bill, so be sure to check before leaving a tip.

At the Restaurant

In Italy, it is common for restaurants to add a "coperto" fee to the bill, which is a small charge per person for the bread and table service. This fee is usually around €2-€3 per person.

So, it's not necessary to tip on top of this fee, but if you received exceptional service or the food was particularly delicious, it's always appreciated to leave a small tip of 5-10% of the total bill.

Tour Guides and Tour Leaders

If you decide to take a guided tour in Venice, it's customary to tip your guide at the end of the tour.

The amount you tip can vary depending on the length of the tour and the quality of the guide's service. A good rule of thumb is to tip around €5-€10 per person for a short tour and €10-€20 per person for a longer tour.

Tipping Taxi Drivers

If you decide to take a taxi ride in Venice (a water taxi, of course), it's not necessary to tip the driver.

However, if the driver has been particularly helpful or friendly, it's always appreciated to round up the fare to the nearest euro or leave a small tip of a few euros.

Tipping gondola drivers

One of the most iconic experiences in Venice is certainly taking a ride on a gondola.

When it comes to tipping, however, it's not necessary, but it's always appreciated.

A good rule of thumb is to tip around 5% per gondola ride, especially if the gondolier provided a good service or gave you a memorable experience.

Of course, tipping gondoliers is not mandatory, but it's a nice gesture to show your appreciation for the gondolier's hard work and expertise in navigating the city's waterways.

Tipping Bartenders

If you visit a bar in Venice, it's not necessary to tip the bartender for your drinks.

However, if you receive a particularly good service or if the bartenders go out of their way to make you feel welcome, it's always appreciated to leave a small tip of €1-€2 per drink.

In conclusion, should you tip in Venice?

In conclusion, tipping in Venice is not always mandatory, but it's always appreciated by those who provide you with a service.

Remember to take into account the local customs and etiquette when tipping, and always tip according to the quality of service you received.

Carry cash with you and a few coins in order to tip amounts you desire.

By following these tips, you'll be able to show your appreciation for the excellent service you received and help support the local economy.