The municipality of Venice introduces crucial rules for managing the presence of seagulls.
Venice, the picturesque city of gondolas and canals, is also home to a growing population of seagulls. Over the years, this wild species has settled in the historic heart of Venice, becoming an integral part of city life. However, their presence has led to inconvenience for tourists and residents. To promote positive coexistence, the Venice municipality has developed a set of basic rules.
The vademecum: rules for living with seagulls in Venice

Presented at Ca' Farsetti, the vademecum is the result of collaboration between the municipality of venice, veritas and the consortium for the coordination of lagoon research (corila). Massimiliano de martin, city councilor for the environment, along with representatives from veritas and corila, explained the guidelines.
Starting last month, informational stickers, in Italian and English, have been affixed to waste bins at major transit locations. These instruct citizens and tourists to avoid approaching and feeding seagulls. Affected areas include piazzale roma, ponte della costituzione, lista di spagna, san leonardo and strada nuova, the marciana area, riva degli schiavoni, zattere and giudecca. Similar stickers are also present in the San Michele cemetery.
Census and population growth of gulls in Venice
The vademecum is part of a larger information campaign, which includes a census on the presence of about 2,000 resident gulls and their nests. In recent years, nesting pairs have increased from 200 to about 550. This underscores the importance of proactively addressing coexistence with this species.
Next steps: information campaign and flyers on how to coexist with seagulls in Venice
In the coming days, a broader information campaign will kick off, with leaflets also being distributed in English. These will provide practical advice on how to behave properly in popular areas. Suggestions include urging people not to leave garbage in the street, avoid feeding seagulls, and keep your distance.
Tips for residents on how to live with seagulls in Venice
The vademecum will also include specific tips for residents on how to live with seagulls in Venice. These tips aim to prevent gulls from settling on buildings by creating structural barriers and creating environments that are not conducive to nesting.
In conclusion, the municipality of Venice is proactively addressing the challenge of coexisting with seagulls. With clear rules and a thorough information campaign on how to coexist with seagulls in Venice, it is hoped that residents and visitors will be able to enjoy the beauty of Venice without compromising the natural balance with its other fascinating population: seagulls.