The Venice City Council recently approved an ambitious project that marks a significant step toward energy sustainability and ecological transition: the Hydrogen and Innovative and Renewable Energy Park in Porto Marghera.

This project, funded with 5.7 million euros from the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRPR), represents a turning point in the lagoon city's energy policy.

Let's find out everything there is to know about Venice Hydrogen Park.

Venice Hydrogen Park: A new era for Porto Marghera

The Hydrogen Park will be built in Porto Marghera, a historically industrial area that, thanks to this initiative, will be transformed into a hub for clean energy production and distribution.

The variant approved by the City Council encourages the establishment of activities related to hydrogen production and distribution, promoting innovative and sustainable development models.

This change is in line with the goals of the green economy, aiming to create an industrial environment that supports the transition to renewable energy.

Venice Hydrogen Park: The role of EniLive

EniLive, a major private partner, has been chosen to collaborate on the design, construction, and operation of the hydrogen refueling station.

The company will provide an area of approximately 21,000 square meters for the construction of the facility.

This space will be crucial for the installation of the necessary infrastructure for hydrogen production and distribution, ensuring that the project can proceed smoothly and meet the established timelines.

Venice Hydrogen Park: Impacts on public transportation

A key aspect of the project is the refueling of the new fleet of 90 hydrogen-powered buses, which will enter service for urban transportation in Venice starting June 30, 2026.

This initiative will not only reduce CO2 emissions but also improve air quality, contributing to a healthier environment for citizens.

The choice of hydrogen as an energy source for public transportation is an important step toward a more sustainable and innovative urban mobility system.

Venice Hydrogen Park: Funding and future prospects

The Hydrogen Park project came first in the call for proposals prepared by the City of Venice, obtaining significant funding of 5,750,000 euros from the Pnrr.

This financial support is crucial for the construction of the necessary infrastructure and to ensure that the project can be completed on schedule.

Venice Hydrogen Park: Final thoughts

So, the Hydrogen Park in Venice is not only an innovative project, but a symbol of how cities can transform their industrial areas into hubs of sustainable development.

With the support of private partners such as EniLive and funding from the NRP, Venice is leading the way in the transition to renewable energy, offering a model that other cities can follow.

This project will not only improve the local energy infrastructure, but will also have a positive impact on public transportation and the quality of life for citizens, contributing to a greener and more sustainable future for all.

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