The Pierluigi Penzo Stadium in Venice, commonly known as Stadio Venezia, is one of the most fascinating and impressive sports facilities in European soccer.

Located on the island of St. Helena within the Venetian lagoon, the stadium is not only a venue for soccer matches, but also a location that offers a unique experience during the matchday.

Let's find out all about the Venice Stadium.

History and characteristics of the Pierluigi Penzo Stadium in Venice

Venice Stadium

The Penzo, named after Italian aviator Pierluigi Penzo, a World War I veteran, is the second oldest stadium in Italy, preceded only by Luigi Ferraris in Genoa.

With a capacity of 11,150, the stadium is nestled in a unique historic and scenic setting, offering an unparalleled backdrop for sporting events.

6 interesting facts about Stadio Venezia

Venice Stadium

Let's take a look below at 6 interesting facts about the Venice Stadium.

1970 whirlwind

On July 11, 1970, a whirlwind struck the stadium area, causing significant damage to the “distinguished” sector.

The remnants were swept to the opposite side of the Sant'Elena canal, an event that remains etched in the city's historical memory.

Austro-Hungarian origins

Prior to the construction of the stadium, an Austro-Hungarian Empire locomotive factory stood in the area, dating back to the first half of the 19th century.

This industrial legacy lends an additional layer of history to the site.

The sound of bells

During matches, it is common to hear the sound of the bells of the nearby St. Helen's Church.

This detail contributes to a unique and evocative atmosphere, immortalized in many match photographs.

Water under the turf

About two meters below the stadium turf is water from the lagoon.

This feature requires an effective drainage system to handle both rain and salt water, demonstrating the ingenuity in the construction of the facility.

1980s athletic track

In the 1980s, the stadium featured a black tartan athletic track, a rarity for Italy.

This detail reflects the evolution and multifaceted use of the stadium over the decades.

The 1949 Derby

On May 1, 1949, the Penzo hosted one of the most memorable derbies between Venice and Padua.

The match, which saw a record turnout for the stadium, was characterized by a heated rivalry and a warm crowd, marking an important chapter in the history of Venetian soccer.

Venice Stadium: a unique experience for spectators

Venice Stadium

One of the most unique aspects of the Pierluigi Penzo Stadium is its accessibility by sea. Spectators can reach the facility by boat, adding a touch of magic to the matchday experience.

This special feature, combined with the inherent beauty of Venice, makes every match an unforgettable event for fans and visitors alike.

Venice Stadium: final considerations

The Venice Stadium is not only a place where soccer matches are played, but it is a true historical and cultural monument.

Its rich history, unique features and extraordinary location in the Venice lagoon make it a gem of Italian soccer, worthy of discovery and experience.

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